Residential School Survivor Reflection

When Carrie Louis came to speak with us about her experiences with residential schools I was very moved. After listening to everything she had to say I felt very saddened. The thing that really stuck out to me and made me feel very sad was when she shared the experience of going to one of the many lands where there were many unmarked graves of indigenous children. When she said she could feel there was a song singing and that it was linked to one of the people in the area I was really shocked. I thought of how incredible it must be to have a gift where you can hear stuff like that. I also found it interesting how she went to an “Indian day school”. Before this event I had only ever heard on residential schools that were boarding schools. I had never learned about ones where you only go for the day and then come home. I felt that i really used the thinking competency while i was listening to her speak. I had so many thoughts circling in my head about the things I had just learned and new questions that were starting to arise. She was a great speaker and I am really happy I got to learn about her story to further expand my knowledge on residential schools.


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