Comparative Cultures Mid-Term Assignment


For this assignment i did a good job with explaining my thoughts on the matter and generally what was good about the Babylonian empire. Something i need to improve on is giving specific details about certain topics. I need to provide sources and use the materials given to the to the best of my abilities.

core competency communication :

I communicated my thoughts very well in this assignment but need to get better at analyzing and describing the thoughts and findings of others. Understanding the thoughts of other will improve my communication skills.

Where I’m From Essay

My Paper

The Writing Process

The writing process was equally fun as it was difficult. I really enjoyed the interviewing process and getting to know more about my grandpa. Though the interview was fun a found it difficult to keep my grandpa focused on the question i asked. We would go from talking about the question i asked to something completely unrelated. Something that really surprised me was how well My grandpa remembered all the little details form the story he told me. The events my grandpa talked about started fifty years ago so i was completely shocked with all the information he shared with me.

Core Competency Reflection

• If my partner is not productive, we can talk about who will do what and how we will do it in order to get things moving in the right direction.

• As an active listener, I notice that I … (describe some behaviours) always make eye contact and give my full attention so I am able to understand the full story.

• In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by… Asking follow up questions and trying to make the person i am having the conversation with feel as comfortable as possible.

• The ways I communicate at school differs from how I communicate at band events (soccer/ work/ hockey/ piano lessons/ family events/etc) in these ways: at school i am very vocal with the questions I ask. During band I am a lot more quiet because there isn’t always a lot of opportunity to be as loud. The band environment during events is very quiet so you can look as professional as possible

• Others find my feedback useful because I…

this prompt is is something i need to work on. I feel that my feedback can sometimes come off as harsh. I need to work on giving good feedback and saying it in a way that’s as nice as possible.

Fall Concert

during the concert I played with the senior concert band and was also stage manager for the entire concert. Some skills and techniques I would like to improve on are making sure I constantly look at the conductor and am following along with the music properly. I’m not sure of what my plans for music are going to be in the future not I do know that I definitely want to continue it somehow.

I used communication the entire concert. I used communication when talking and directing the stage crew as well as when I had to talk to my bandmates about sharing stands and flipping music.

I demonstrated personal awareness/responsibility by making sure I brought my music, and everything I needed to be prepared to perform.