Fitness & Conditioning 11/12 Reflection

My Artifact

Fitness & Conditioning Reflection

  1. What are your long term fitness goals? What do you want your fitness journey to look like after high school?

My long term fitness goals is building my strength. I want to be able to help my father and family around the house by being able to lift heavy objects so my father doesn’t have to do it by himself. I want to be able to attend a gym regularly and continue my fitness journey post-highschool. I want to keep a good schedule for working out so I can do daily/weekly workouts.

2) Looking through your workout activity book. Reflect on how you have conducted your exercise regime and explain how each component impacts the way you feel. Feel free to include any improvements you have noticed throughout the term. (Can include rest time, number of reps, amount of weight, time under tension, upper and lower body splits, HIIT)

I have followed the prescribed exercises provided by Mr. Oriel. It usually consists of 5-6 exercises which are further divided into lower and upper body exercises. I find the 1min:30sec work to rest ratio gives me enough time to finish my reps/ set and gives me enough time to recover for the next exercise’s set. As a beginner in Weight Training, I have noticed some improvement in my strength and form.

3) How are you going to live a healthy, balanced and active life in post-secondary?

I will do certain exercises at home such as sit-ups, pushups, planks and other core exercises. For other exercises that I cannot do at home I plan on getting a gym membership and go there as often as possible to work out certain muscles. Muscles like triceps, biceps, quads, etc.

Core Competency Reflection

“I can represent my learning and tell how it connects to my experiences.”

I chose this one because this assignment had me represent and reflect on my learning and progress in Fitness and Conditioning.

“I can identify my strengths and identify my potential.”

I chose this one because I can identify my strengths and potential in Fitness and Conditioning assignments.

“I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself.”

I chose this one because I take pride in my efforts during workouts and exercises.

“I can reflect on my thinking.”

I chose this one because I’m doing this assignment which is a reflection on the past 4 weeks of Fitness and Conditioning.


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