Life Saving Measures

  1. My first takeaway was Naloxone is only effective with Opioid overdoses. It has zero effect with any other type of overdose like Alcohol, Cocaine, etc.
  2. The second thing I took away from the presentations was you no longer are obligated to give the person breaths when doing CPR. You only have to do chest compressions (Or use an AED) until the firefighters or paramedics get there.
  3. Lastly, I learned you can get Naloxone from a lot of local pharmacies like Safeway and Pharmasave. They’ll just hand it to you no questions asked.

These presentations impact our lives by showing us what we can do to help others. Whether it be they’re having a Cardiac episode or Overdosing, there is something you can do to help. Learn and practice CPR in case you need to use those skills. Grab a Naloxone kit just in case you see someone who might be overdosing on an opioid.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection

I can analyze evidence to make judgements. I always try to take my time and think things out, I look at all the evidence available and attempt to make a proper judgement. I always analyze the playing field to see what I should do during sports, I look for an open person to make a pass.

Social Studies 11 Final Reflection

July Mountain Wildfire

This assignment showcases my development of the perspective competency.

The project made us research the groups that were affected by the fire and how they responded to it. Like the residents of the area, and both the local and provincial governments.

I grew in this competency from researching the different perspectives of the people and groups affected by the specific wildfire we chose

I can grow more in the competency by looking at more perspectives like stake holders

Games Written Assignment

1) What strategies did you start with?
I started with collecting the most expensive properties (Blue and Green) and then placed houses on them so whoever landed on them would have to pay me money or their properties

2) How did those strategies change?
They didn’t change much, other than I bought different properties at the start instead of trying to go for the most expensive off the bat in order to earn even more money/properties

3)Were your new strategies successful?
Yes, I was able to win at least 7 more times after because of the new strategies I adopted

4) Why or why not?
Because the other players kept landing on the spaces I owned and kept owing me money, until eventually someone gave me the last Blue I needed and that won me the game

5)Were there any patterns you noticed that helped you during play?

6) Are there “rules” you can generalize to someone to do well at the game?
Always go for the pair properties like Brown, Utilities and Blue, then upgrade them by placing houses on them, also get other properties so you can make some side cash

Socials Studies Core Competency Self-Assessment


I collaborated with my peers on this assignment about how the pyramids were constructed. This is an example of collaboration because as a group, we were able to research and write the information on how the pyramids were built that was needed to fill out the assignment fully. I was able to help out my peers by researching my part (Source 4) and find some of the required information.

Fitness & Conditioning 11/12 Reflection

My Artifact

Fitness & Conditioning Reflection

  1. What are your long term fitness goals? What do you want your fitness journey to look like after high school?

My long term fitness goals is building my strength. I want to be able to help my father and family around the house by being able to lift heavy objects so my father doesn’t have to do it by himself. I want to be able to attend a gym regularly and continue my fitness journey post-highschool. I want to keep a good schedule for working out so I can do daily/weekly workouts.

2) Looking through your workout activity book. Reflect on how you have conducted your exercise regime and explain how each component impacts the way you feel. Feel free to include any improvements you have noticed throughout the term. (Can include rest time, number of reps, amount of weight, time under tension, upper and lower body splits, HIIT)

I have followed the prescribed exercises provided by Mr. Oriel. It usually consists of 5-6 exercises which are further divided into lower and upper body exercises. I find the 1min:30sec work to rest ratio gives me enough time to finish my reps/ set and gives me enough time to recover for the next exercise’s set. As a beginner in Weight Training, I have noticed some improvement in my strength and form.

3) How are you going to live a healthy, balanced and active life in post-secondary?

I will do certain exercises at home such as sit-ups, pushups, planks and other core exercises. For other exercises that I cannot do at home I plan on getting a gym membership and go there as often as possible to work out certain muscles. Muscles like triceps, biceps, quads, etc.

Core Competency Reflection

“I can represent my learning and tell how it connects to my experiences.”

I chose this one because this assignment had me represent and reflect on my learning and progress in Fitness and Conditioning.

“I can identify my strengths and identify my potential.”

I chose this one because I can identify my strengths and potential in Fitness and Conditioning assignments.

“I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself.”

I chose this one because I take pride in my efforts during workouts and exercises.

“I can reflect on my thinking.”

I chose this one because I’m doing this assignment which is a reflection on the past 4 weeks of Fitness and Conditioning.

Cooking At Home 8: Final Assignment

Chicken Kiev
Cheesy Cauliflower
Mashed Potatoes
Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookies

1) I planned for my meal to be………. (how did you describe it using the 5 senses when planning it?) I planned it to look appeasing, sound like sizzling, smell tasty, taste appetizing, feel rough

My meal was… (describe it using the five senses), it looked appeasing, sounded like sizzling, smelled amazing, tasted wonderful and felt rough

2) Which qualities are the same? Which are different? What improvements or changes could be made? Improvements or changes that could be made are I could make the cookies less sugary than I did since they were extremely sweet.

3) I believe I showed strength in the following skills: Mixing, whisking, and cutting because: I had to mix the gravy, had to whisk the cookie mixture, and slice the potatoes.

4) Explain the significance of your dish, its connections to your personal and cultural identity. How does this dish reflect who you are? This dish reflects my Russian heritage because the chicken was invented in Moscow and its a meal that my family makes every now and then which makes it special.

Cooking At Home #7

Shepherds Pie
  • What task did you complete this week?  I have been tasked to help my mom cook.
  • Have you been asked to do this task before? No, I have never been asked to do this task before.
  • How did it feel to help in this way?  It felt nice to finally help my mom cook instead of standing by and watching.
  • What impact did you create doing this job have on your family? It made no impact.
  • Have your responsibilities changed since people were asked to stay home due to COVID-19?  If so how?  No, my jobs have not really changed other than I’ve been helping a lot more in the kitchen.
  • How did you know if you would be successful in this task? Because I had my mother with me and she has been making this meal for years now.
  • Did you face any challenges? If so, how did you overcome them? We faced no challenges.
  • Will you continue to do this task moving forward? Why or why not? I possibly might continue doing this just because i like helping others when they need it.

Cooking At Home #3: Option 3: Building Your Skills – Tools

I used a Coffee Maker to make my parents some coffee.

What are the safety concerns with using this tool? Pouring the coffee out of the container as it is extremely hot and will burn you

What is the proper way to use this tool? You pour water into the sides, then put a coffee filter inside, insert coffee beans on the top of the filter and then click start.

If someone did not have this item in their kitchen, is there something else they could use that serves the same purpose? The only other thing that could substitute for the coffee maker is a kettle.

What dish/baked good did you use it to create? Who did you share it with? I didn’t share it because it was for my parents

Did you use a recipe or did you make it up?  I made it up

If you were to make this dish again, what would you change? Nothing

What challenges did you have to overcome? How did you overcome them? There were no challenges

What was your greatest success in this dish (either in the final product, or in the preparation)?  Why? The greatest success was not putting too much water into the sides and making too much coffee for my parents.

What are you most proud of about this experience? Why? I’m most proud of the fact that I can now make coffee whenever I need to in the future