Sensation and Perception Experiment

What hypothesis did you come up with for your sensation and perception experiment?

Our hypothesis was if people can smell and identify what food/object represents the scented marker and how far they can smell each marker. Our findings were that the results do not fully support the hypothesis. Out of 8 people, all of them could smell. 6/8 people could not identify what food/object represents the scented marker. 2/8 people guessed the smell of the scented marker right. Out of 8 people, the average absolute threshold distance for smell was 3 inches away from their nose.

What core competencies did you demonstrate with this assignment?

The core competencies I demonstrated with this assignment are communication and creative thinking. I demonstrated communication by communicating with my group members as to what our experiment will be, and how to carry it out. We’ve also communicated with our participants in the experiment about what we are doing, and giving instructions to them. I’ve demonstrated creative thinking by coming up with the experiment. I remembered that our teacher had a box of markers that the class can use. There were scented markers, and I asked one of my classmates to smell and guess what the marker was. From there, we also used creative thinking to add another component in the experiment; how far away can one smell the marker.


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