Empire of Wild

My movie

Curricular Competency Reflection

My journals helped learn more about the character and know more about the book. The journals helped me prepare for the final presentation because I had all the information I needed for the final presentation. The graphic organizer helped me come up with more ideas to talk about for my presentation. It helped me get a better understanding of what the theme is for the book. When we participated in the circles it helped me think about more ideas I could talk about for the final presentation and it helped listing to how other people understood the book especially when they where reading the same book as me. I chose the personal connection peace because it was easy for me to do and i thought it was the best way I could show the main part in the book.

Core Competency Reflection

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in…

-I communicate with others as clearly as I can when we are working in circle groups

I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence of that is…

-After I do my work I always double check the criteria to improve my work or fix any mistakes

I respectfully advocate for my needs by…

-I always ask questions when I need help


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