CLE Core Competencies

My Future Career

I want my future career to be a mechanic or heavy duty mechanic because I really enjoy working on things like cars and any hands on things. I always wanted to work on cars because I have always loved cars especially old muscle cars. I am taking all the classes I need to be taking to get this job. I have took powertech 9 and 10 and also am taking automotive 11,12 and i will also be taking this engine and drive train class and in grade 12 I will take this auto class and I think I will get half my red seal from the class.

Core Competency Reflection

communication, I can communicate with my friends and group members.

critical thinking, I can critical think when working on assignments.

problem solving, I problem solve a lot like when I’m working on an assignment or a group project.

A goal I have for myself going forward is to do well in all my classes.

I think I need to work on my communication skills because they are not the best like when I am with people I know they are ok but when I’m with people I don’t know they aren’t good.