The Simpsons

My Analysis

Creating and Communicating

In this unit, watching the show ‘The Simpsons’ in class has helped me further understand the different forms of irony. I was able to take what I learned about irony in class and compare it with examples given in ‘The Simpsons’. Overall, I expressed my thoughts on how ‘The Simpsons’ creative ways of using ironic humor played a roll in their huge success.

Core Competency Reflection

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions. I demonstrated this when I used an example from one of “The Simpsons’ episode’s to support my argument on the use of irony and how it turns to comedy.

I can describe how satire, irony and/or allusion relates to (make a connection to another text or show) humor. I showed this by giving an example of situational irony from one the episodes.

I remain open minded as I explore viable options or alternative approaches, like when I concluded that “The Simpsons’ use of irony was a contribution to their success rather than it being the main source of their success.
