Residential School Survivor Presentation Reflection

During class, a guest speaker (Shane John) arrived to talk to everyone about his experience of being a residential school survivor. During this time, I was able to demonstrate Communication by showing interest in the speaker and engaging with my full attention. I made sure to turn off all my devices and listen to what Shane had to share. During his speech he talked about a lot of traumatic things that happened at the residential schools. Furthermore, he mentioned how the kids were forced to be put through physical, mental, emotional and spiritual abuse. Shane’s speech really allowed me to understand how cruel and unfairly the Indigenous Peoples were treated in the past. However, what shocked me even more was the fact that the last Residential School to close was in 1996. This made me realize how although these happened in the past, this was way too close to the present. Furthermore, I was able to demonstrate Social Awareness and Responsibility by thinking of ways we as a society and non-indigenous people can help make sure unfair treatment towards indigenous people never happen again. I think that a really good idea to help fight oppression against Indigenous Peoples are to keep spreading the stories of indigenous people and educating others on the importance of indigenous culture. In conclusion, I was able to demonstrate Communication and Social Awareness and Responsibility and learn a lot from Shane’s speech.


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