Music Monday “LAND” Map Assignment: Self-Assessment

Curricular Response

For my quote, I chose the quote from Litefoot that said “raped our women and killed our children, replaced all the greenery with concrete buildings”. Through this drawing, I wanted to symbolize how the “colonizers” have dehumanized indigenous people through a symbolic drawing of a butterfly being stepped on. The butterfly representing indigenous people and the foot representing colonizers, the drawing symbolizes all the unnecessary harm colonizers inflict on to indigenous people just because they feel they have more power due to their “superiority. Furthermore, showing the power dynamic between the two peoples of peaceful and oblivious to cruel and ill-intentions.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

In this quote, we can see the artist talking about the struggles indigenous people have faced as colonizers have mistreated them for years and years. Furthermore, the power dynamic between the two peoples and how the colonizers have taken advantage of the indigenous people, just because they deemed themselves as more powerful/superior them. As a result, I started thinking about how the power that of these two resembled a human and a butterfly. Furthermore, how, although a human might have more physical power over a butterfly, it is still cruel to harm a peaceful butterfly just because of ones selfish desires. This idea came to me as soon as I saw the quote, so, creating the drawing was easy for me.


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