IDS Inquiry Reflection

Document with my IDS outline

For my IDS project, I chose the question “How does trauma in childhood affect serial killers?” I took law last semester, and I found that this was a really interesting topic when we touched on it, and I wanted to take it more in-depth. The question I chose for my inquiry project hasn’t really changed throughout my time, it’s more or less stayed the same. I’ve been using CENT time weekly to do IDS, so I would say that my time management skills are good. The most useful resources for me throughout this assignment have been websites, especially sites that have been published by universities. The main challenge I’m facing currently is trying to find all of the information I need because some of the things I want to learn are very specific. The core competency I’ve grown during this project is critical thinking. I’ve had to take the information I’ve found and think critically about how reliable it is, as well as draw my own inferences. I’m going to share my information through PowerPoint, and I’m on track to do so. I’m not sure if I will use this information for my capstone or not, I’ll reassess at a later date.


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