Spanish 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment


My artifact: A Spanish dialogue

For my Spanish 10 class, we were assigned a small dialogue to do with partners. We had to complete a half-written conversation and include some of the verbs that we were learning about. I had to work with my partner in order to include them in a way that made sense with the context of the script and was grammatically correct. We had to collaborate in order to solve problems and communicate our ideas with each other to create a well thought out script.

Spanish 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment


My Artifact: A script for a Spanish skit

During my Spanish 10 class, we were assigned an assignment where we had to write a script using various vocabulary in a group of four. I had to work with the other people in my group in order to use all of the vocabulary in a way that made sense , and collaborate with them to solve problems. This activity helped me to improve my communication skills quite a bit, and it was a good activity.