Core Competencies: Spanish Dialogue

My artifact

Creative Thinking

In doing this dialogue, I had to use creative thinking for all components of it. I was absent for this assignment, so I completed it by myself. I had to think about the order in which I wanted to fit the information. I also had to be creative to figure out the plot of my dialogue, and what would happen in it in order to get all of the required vocabulary in it in a way that made sense. I couldn’t just throw everything in, as it wouldn’t flow naturally. I also had to think creatively to add transitional phrases and idioms into it, adding another layer to my dialogue.

The Simpsons

My Analysis

Creating and Communication

This assignment helped me to learn more about allusion, satire, and irony. We were able to see its applications in The Simpsons, and understand how they gave the show a deeper meaning. In this essay, I wrote about these elements, and explained how they added to the show using examples. To refine my writing I made sure I kept it concise and limited run-on sentences.

Core Competency Reflection

I use evidence to make judgments or decisions as demonstrated in this essay, when I used examples of irony, allusions, and satire in The Simpsons are evidence for why the show was so successful.

I have valuable ideas to share about irony, allusion, and satire in The Simpsons, andI did. so by providing clear examples, and explaining how they are good examples of the different literary devices.

I work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence of this is when I followed the instructions for this assignment, and paid attention to corrections from past assignments in order to create the strongest essay I could.