Life Saving Measures

I learned a lot of useful information during the three presentations we were given. The presentation I learned the most from was the CPR presentation we had on the first day. The first takeaway I had was that only roughly 61% of the population would feel comfortable giving CPR. I thought this would be a little bit higher, so it was surprising to hear. Another takeaway I had was the importance of taking into consideration special factors such as age. He explained to us how giving CPR would be different if you were performing it on a baby, and even how it differs when giving it on an elderly person. I thought this was interesting, as I had never considered how bone density would be a factor. Finally, I took away how to ensure you keep yourself safe when administering an AED. We learned about the “splash test” when doing it in water, and it was new information for me despite having been taught CPR prior. I found this presentation to be very impactful, as knowing this information could be the difference between life and death to someone important to me in an emergency. Knowing the proper procedure and reacting quickly is crucial to survival, and this presentation gave me the tools to be better prepared.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection

I can analyze evidence to make judgements

This CPR presentation was helpful because it helped teach me how to analyze the situation and determine whether or not CPR should be done. Based on breathing and pulse CPR might cause more harm than good, so it is important to be fully aware of the situation.