AP Biology Core Competency Reflection

This artefact represents at least an ability to think critically and reflectively as writing a paper explicitly requires both of these ‘modes’ of thinking. Critical thought is required when interpreting the results of the paper and thus drawing conclusions from the data. Reflective thought is required for looking back on the paper, recognizing pitfalls or errors and suggesting further research to compensate. That’s about it.

Chemistry 12 Self Assessment

Pictured: A Substance in a Test Tube – Probably Contains Lead

The objective of 19C is for students to determine the solubility product constant of PbI2.

I have showcased my ability to communicate thoroughly with my lab partner(s) when I told one of them to “put the thing on the thing”, as seen in the artifact above. For the sake of anonymity, they will henceforth be referred to as . More examples of when I communicated with was when we collaborated during the laborious process of pouring Pb(NO3)2 and KI into test tubes. postulated the brilliant idea of delegating the pouring of Pb(NO3)2 to me and the KI to him (). What I would improve for next time would be delegating these types of responsibilities with sooner in the timescale of the lab for the purpose of efficiency. God save the king

Pre-Calculus 11 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Core Competency Reflection

Working collaboratively with others

During the runtime of the course, I have had to aid my table group members numerous times when they struggled with the problems at hand – especially EB. This has happened every day during group work and when we’re doing the homework questions. Although I haven’t acted as the unofficial peer tutor of the table group as much as some other person has (damn this name dropping restriction!) has, I still feel that I’ve done more than enough. For EB, of course.

Strategically preparing for assessments

Additionally, I’ve had to develop smarter ways or preparing for tests, given that I have to balance math, history, chemistry and spanish while also playing Metal Gear Solid V (a game that’s too fun for my own good). This includes the near herculean tasks of using class time wisely (never been done before by the likes of me, or EB), NOT playing video games for 4 hours straight and only completing the homework questions on topics I don’t have a “satisfactory” understanding of (the definition of satisfactory changes by each unit – sometimes I just don’t care).

Advice for Future Students

You’d think that I will just say what everyone else is saying – that is to study chapter 1. I know that most people will be far below their prime in the first weeks of the class regardless of what preparation they will take on, unless you’re an Einstein tier mathematics student. In other words, not EB. I’d say to study as you usually would for chapter 1. Other than winning the genetic lottery, there really isn’t a way to be good at chapter 1. That’s my advice.

Transforming Parabolas

Parent Function  ->   y = x²
My Function      ->   y = ⅓(x+1)² - 3

The Value [hehe] of a, h and k

a is the coefficient of the binomial in which x resides, so modifying this value grants great control over the final value of x. Making the value of a greater than 0 but less than 1 makes the y value always lower than if the identical x value was plugged into the parent function. In graphs that open upwards
[a > 0], having a y value consistently lower than what would result from the parent function given the same value of x produces a graph which is “flatter” – where achieving the same y value as a point on the parent function requires an x value that is further from 0.

I’ve nullified [made equal to 0] both h and k on the function I was given to make comparing both values of a easier.

It’s flatter.

If the value of a is less than 0, the graph reflects vertically and is considered “opening down”. Much of the same rules apply here. Values of a greater than -1 and lesser than 0 produce a flatter graph [see picture above] but flipped vertically [the vertex is unaffected] and values lesser than -1 produce a thinner graph.

h is the value inside of the brackets and is responsible for shifting the parabola horizontally. Note that it is represented as (x h)², meaning that if you want the parabola to be shifted to the right [in the positive direction], the value of h has to be negative to produce a double-negative [positive] number in the final equation. Thus – positive values of h make the parabola shifted to the left and negative h values shift it to the right.

Finally, k is the lone constant sitting at the end of the function and shifts the graph vertically. It’s not as confusing to compute as h – positive k values shift the graph vertically and the inverse is true for negative values. Note that adjusting both h and k affect the position of the vertex.

Core Competency Questions

I’ve represented the same idea numerous ways when I both said and shown what changing the a value would do via written words and embedded images and expressed these ideas using relevant mathematical vocabulary like “opening down”, “greater than / less than”, “shifting”, “double-negative” and “constant” which makes my explanation less dependant on guesswork to interpret. Additionally, I’ve organized the sentences about a, h and k into their own separate paragraphs and always started those paragraphs with the corresponding letter that was talked about and separated those paragraphs with spacers.

Facing a Challenge

The first time I tried this problem I found it challenging because I tried to multiply both the denominator and numerator by √3, which would never rationalize the denominator because the (√3+1) would turn into (3+√3) and repeat the rationalization cycle anew. When this happened, I employed my favourite trick to solve problems: I stared blankly at the question as it sat on my workbook, hoping for a stray cosmic particle to collide with a brain cell and kick-start some Archimedes-tier revelation in my brain to give me the guidance I needed to solve this question. It didn’t work. I then employed my second favourite trick to solving problems: looking in the resources that you have given us. A cursory glance in the 1.6 (part 2) page in the OneNote reveals a shocking truth – should the denominator have more than 1 term, the procedure is to multiply both the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the denominator. The one concept I needed to remember to solve this problem is the concept of seeking help when stuck on a problem. Truly, a trait like this is only present in 0.001% of the population. I can assure you that I will not try to solve my next math-related problem by staring blankly at it – I will actually be active in looking for a solution. Crazy, right?

Spanish Dialogue

I feel that I used the core competency of collaborating during the writing of this script given the coordination and implementation skills that were needed during the writing of the script. The group I found myself in was a group of people I already got along with, so sharing and implementing ideas was easier. This absence of difficulty continued with the rehearsal, although we did not pay any attention to our movements – we only practiced pronunciation and emphasis. However, we made many mistakes like forgetting accents, misusing words and highlighting the wrong idioms/transitional phrases. These errors are only technical and would have been catcher given a round of proofreading.

Slinky Lab Core Competency

Reflecting On The Lab Itself

Could’ve been better. Add some wacky stuff into labs, dude. Have us splitting atoms, bending space-time and tearing it in half. Wouldn’t be that hard for Grade 11s to do. In all seriousness, the lab taught me nothing that the notes package didn’t do already, which made it all the more disheartening when I found out that I now have to reflect on it. Reflect on what? I don’t want to be rude, but you served me a nothing burger – which I already get from the cafeteria.

Critical Thinking Reflection

I demonstrated critical thinking when I saw the results of the experiments and noted them down. I also approached you when the results from real life didn’t match up with the theoretical. Were you expecting something grandiose; so big it could tear the rivets off the metaphorical ceiling? I can’t. My reflection is a joint, uhm, reflection of my volition and the quality of the assignment at hand. Guess which one is lower.

It’s both.

Core Competency Reflection

While making the legs for my footstool, I had cut the B parts 1/4 inch too wide and had already glued them together – so i had to find a way to shorten the width cleanly and without ruining the legs. So i went to the table saw and cut them to width. I will now be a tad more careful before gluing pieces together.

Spanish 10 Core Competency Reflection

I demonstrated the core competency of thinking by using evidence to make judgements on what I should or should not do on my project. I have actively chosen to fire my neurons and make the executive decision to label my family tree’s personal titles in Spanish because I am in a Spanish class and it would be stupid not to make everything in Spanish. I normally hate thinking and love to live my life in autopilot mode, but I made an exception for this class and this class only. I hate my life and this class.