Chemistry 12 Edublog

During Chemistry 12 this semester we used communication a lot in order to effectively complete labs. During lab 20G communication was a big factor in getting accurate results. During this lab we titrated 100.0mL of Oxalic Acid (H2C2O4 .2H2O) using NaOH. Our first attempt was a failure as we got a dark pink color in our Erlenmeyer flask. However we were able to communicate with each other on results that we observed previously as to where the solution may be slightly basic and a light pink. Because of this we now knew the general area as to where our solution would turn light pink and could now do the experiment faster. On attempt 2 we barely went over and were now even closer to knowing the right amount of NaOH needed to neutralize 100.0mL of Oxalic Acid. For attempt 3 we used our communication skills to help each other use the right strategies such as using half drops at certain points once we got very close. By doing so we observed a light pink that was good for using in our average volume calculation. We then did this experiment one more time to further establish proof of the amount of NaOH needed to fully neutralize the Oxalic Acid and we completed the titration again this time with a better coloured pink then the attempt beforehand.

Communication is a huge part of Chemistry 12 in all aspects whether it be studying, doing labs, or doing normal coursework. Communication has definitely helped me improve my Chemistry skills and become more confident in this class.

Physics 11 Core Competency Assessment

Communication and Collaboration

This photo represents my ability to communicate and collaborate because during this group project, we needed to communicate effectively to ensure accurate results. We counted down 3, 2, 1, go to make sure everyone started walking/running at the same time that the timers started their timers. After collecting the data, we all met up where we collaborated and discussed the different data points that we gathered from the activities. We all did our fair share of the work contributing mostly equally. We worked together to achieve a goal and did so without problems.