About Me

My Bio

Hi, my name is Jasmine. I am 14 years old and I do competitive gymnastics and play soccer. I have been doing gymnastics for nine-plus years and soccer since I was around five or six years old. Gymnastics has taught me how to overcome fear, how to make achievable short and long-term goals, and much more. I have a three year old dog and three guinea pigs. In the summer I like to spend time outside and travel with my family. One of my favourite subjects is Science. I find learning about biology quite interesting because I like learning about cells and how things work. Visual examples help me a lot when learning new concepts in any subject. A few other subjects I like are Art, Food Studies, and Social Studies. Some words that describe me are quiet, kind, and athletic. 

My Favourite Website


I am interested in this website because I love animals and always want to see if there are any that my family can adopt and care for. I like this animal shelter in particular because SPCA stands for “Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals”. This makes it different from some other animal shelters because they have strict requirements in order to adopt their animals. Some other websites just sell the animals for money and do not actually care about the animals and their future.

My Favourite Video

I don’t have a favourite video in particular and this isn’t a goal of mine, but I like to watch videos like this when I’m bored. This is a YouTuber who is a gymnast, and in this video, she is showing the new bar skill she learned to do, and the things she did to get it. I watch videos that are about getting new gymnastics skills because it inspires me to work hard and accomplish my own goals to get new skills.

My Favourite Image

This is a picture of my dog at Mayne Island. My family has a house at Mayne Island so whenever we can, we like to go there. I really enjoy going to Mayne Island for a vacation because I can bring my dog there. There is so much to do when I get there but a few of the things I always do is go swimming in the ocean with my sister and dog, walk along the beach, and hand-feed the deer who come into our yard. This photo is important to me because it represents something fun my family does at least twice a year.

My Favourite Quote

If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan, but never the goal.” – Unknown author

I like this quote because to me it is saying that if your plan doesn’t work out the way you want it to, try it again a different way, and don’t give up.






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