Comparative Cultures Mid-Term Assessment

Creation Stories: Japan vs Hawaii Project

Curricular Competency – Inquiry Paragraph:

Researching the creation stories of Japanese culture vs Hawaiian culture has allowed me to inquire and delve into their different beliefs and views on how life on Earth came to be. Throughout the process of learning about these two stories, I was able to understand and compare them to each other, as well as reflect on my view of the world in general. These stories allowed me to find significant interest in the topic of creation stories as I found it highly interesting how different cultures perceive life, birth, death, gods and goddesses, etc. As I read each story, I was able to break it down and inquire about the underlying meanings by making charts, highlighting, and doing additional research. After fully understanding the two creation stories individually, I was able to compare and contrast them to find out their similarities as well as their differences. This project demonstrated my ability to analyze material, compare it to other material, represent my understanding of it in my own way and words and images (created a comic), and reflect on the entirety of the project and its significance.

Core Competency – Critical and Reflective Thinking:

Learning about creation stories has allowed me to use my Critical and Reflective Thinking Core Competency skills. For instance, I am able to analyze evidence and information about the stories from different perspectives of various cultures. I showed this when I was learning about the two stories from Japanese culture and Hawaiian culture and the significance behind them. Furthermore, how they’ve impacted society and their individual civilizations over time and even in today’s world. Additionally, I can explore materials provided in OneNote as well as further delve into the stories through other sources (pictures – linked web on OneNote). More importantly, throughout this project, I have demonstrated my ability to comprehend different views, opinions, and beliefs. In addition, I was able to complete a well-written detailed conclusion/analysis/reflection about the project in OneNote. This project has impacted my view of the world, inspired me to learn more about the beliefs of different cultures and most of all, allowed me to compare and reflect on my understanding of the Japanese and the Hawaiian creation stories and how they connect to modern-day life.


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