Unit Core Competency Assessment

Cell Membrane Diffusion Lab

Two Core Competencies:

  1. Communication/Collaboration The Cell Membrane Diffusion Lab required strong communication with my partner and group peers. To participate in this lab and carry out both Part A and Part B, our group of 4 people was split into two pairs. One pair was in charge of testing the diffusion of the starch cell, while the other pair was responsible for testing the diffusion of the glucose cell. Because we were working in pairs, we had to communicate and collaborate with each other for every step of the experiment to ensure we both understand was is happening and what steps to follow. Specifically, one step that required both individuals was creating the cells using semi-permeable dialysis tubing, and filling them with the correct contents. The pair in charge of part A (starch) worked together to tie the strings on each end of the dialysis tubing and also communicated to measure the starch solution and releasing it into the cell accurately. We then worked together to secure the cell onto the edge of the beaker and submerged it into the IKI water by using the plastic holder. Furthermore, each partner used their communication skills to evaluate and analyze the experiment’s qualitative and quantitative data/observations. All of these steps that were done for Part A were done the same for Part B with the glucose instead of starch and distilled water instead of IKI water. Finally, I used my communication skills to discuss our results/observations with all four group members to create an agreement on a conclusion to our hypothesis.

2. Critical Thinking – The Cell Membrane Diffusion Lab required me to use my thinking core competency skills to come up with answers to the analysis questions, as well as to write/form my conclusion paragraph. For instance, to answer all of the questions for the lab, I used multiple sources to support my reasoning. I used information from my notes, as well as communicated with my group peers to agree on an answer. Furthermore, Part A (the starch cell) of our lab didn’t result the way we predicted in our hypothesis. Due to this unexpected result, I used my thinking to discover where we went wrong/what errors may have occurred, and how the errors can be prevented next time.


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