Social Studies 10 Reflection

Demography Project

Socials Reflection

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Self Reflection

  1. What skills of yours does this showcase? This project demonstrates how I can research information in depth and figure out a way to present and teach it to others in an organized manner.
  2. What core competencies does this fill? The core competencies that this project fills are Communication, Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking, and Social Responsibility.
  3. Why did you chose this? I chose this project because I did a lot of personal reflecting in relation to the topic of the project. Overpopulation has been an increasing issue around the world. It was super interesting learning more about specific facts about France, how the population is measured, and how much it changes over the years (past – present – future). My favourite part was looking at all the graphs to determine specific calculations.
  4. What did you learn during this project? I learned that overpopulation has been an increasing issue around the world. The graphs gave me a great understanding about if the country I was researching was increasing, decreasing, or stabilizing in terms of population and more. In addition, I learned about annual growth rate, life expectancy at birth (by sex), population growth (past, present, future), and infant mortality (under 5 years old).

Core Competency Reflection

  • Communication: I can present my project to my whole class while keeping them connected and engaged.
  • Creative Thinking: I can generate and develop ideas for recommendations to improve the country’s issues.
  • Critical Thinking: I can analyze graphs and research to understand the material/information and create a conclusion. I can also develop and design a power point to show and demonstrate my learning and final project.
  • Social Responsibility: I can figure out ways to contribute to the community and the environment to solve problems appropriately.
  • What is one goal for yourself moving forward? I can work towards being more vocal when presenting my project. I wasn’t very confident in presenting even when I had valuable information in my project. To improve on this, I can practice presenting to myself or friends before class.

    Drawing Painting Core Competency Reflection

    My Art

    Creative Thinking

    I’ve demonstrated Creative Thinking a lot so far in this art course. In particular, I have noticed that I use it a lot in my sketchbook work. While making this drawing of a bear playing a drum, I showed that I can form new ideas to create new things and I can also build on the ideas of others. At first, I didn’t quite know what to draw but once I looked over to my friend’s drawing, it sparked an idea. She was using coloured pencils to draw a rabbit playing the ukulele. I thought that was a great idea but had to figure out a way to make it unique and my own piece of art. I thought of creating a bear/teddy bear playing a drum because it had the same idea of an animal playing an instrument but it was also something I created using different ideas of my own.

    CPR Reflection

    My Product

    Photo taken from my phone

    CPR Reflection

    After completing this CPR unit, I’ve learned that being vocal and working at a fast pace is a major part of knowing how to do CPR. When in a (theoretical) emergency I practiced being direct with verbal instruction to my partner and worked quickly through the steps of the 4 R’s to save the CPR dummy. The key takeaway from this CPR unit is that there are many reasons to why someone may have a heart attack and what steps I can do it help save them. Another key takeaway includes the symptoms to look for if someone is having a heart attack and knowing that I am trained and can perform CPR confidently. The CPR unit relates to the nutrition unit as we learned what type of diet can cause/increase the chances of having a heart attack and why certain nutrients cause them. I discovered that a build up of plaque in the heart’s arteries can cause a lack of normal heart rhythm, leading to a heart attack.

    Core Competency Reflection

    I take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share.

    I chose this one because I demonstrated it when I was put into a group to practice how to use an AED. Not everyone wanted to try it out first so I stepped up and showed the group how to use it.

    I can identify and describe my qualities.

    I chose this one because I was able to reflect and explain what things I did well and what things I could work on for the CPR (physical) test. I recognized that I followed instruction appropriately and went through all the steps of CPR efficiently. I also noticed that I could be a bit more vocal to my partner.

    I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and  myself.

    I chose this one because I showed my joy when I got my mark back for both written and physical CPR tests. I exceeded my expectations and am proud of how well I did and what I have learned along the way. I took pride in my work and myself and told my friends everything I learned and how I enjoyed every part of the unit.

    I ask and respond to questions to be an active, supportive listener.

    I chose this one because I participated consistently throughout the whole CPR unit. I was able to answer questions my teacher asked me during the learning portion, and listened appropriately when my teacher gave out instructions.