My Utopian City

Tammy and Jasmine’s City

This city was designed by Tammy and Jasmine

Our Values:

Education: For education, there is a university in the centre of our city. We decided to make education a value in our city because we believe that it is an important part of developing into a knowledgeable citizen.

Nature: Nature is an important value in our city, as we support a clean and healthy environment. To represent this throughout our city there are scattered flowers and trees. There is also a small stream running through the park with a bridge going across it. This creates a beautiful and peaceful place for people to spend their free time.

Entertainment: We believe entertainment is a big part of what pulls a city together. In our city, there are many activities to do such as watching movies at the movie theatre, playing soccer or other sports at the sports field, using the track, camp at the campsite, and other activities inside the community centre.

Exercise: In our city, there is a soccer field and walking track to demonstrate a safe place to exercise. We believe exercise is important and should be included in an everyday life to keep active and healthy.

Accessibility: Our city focuses on accessibility because we think that is one of the most important things in creating a good city. To incorporate this value we added a grocery store, hospital and everything else surrounding the houses for easy access.

Important Colours:

Yellow: The colour yellow is shown a lot in our town because it represents happiness and energy. We believe a city that makes you happy and energetic is something that allows you to love where you live. A few things that are yellow in our city are the flowers, part of the grocery store, part of the movie theatre design and the community centre, as well as a few more structures.

Red: Red is a colour that shows strength, health, and passion. Multiple things in our city use the colour red such as the flowers and buildings like the hospital and the border of the community centre. Strength, health, and passion are important characteristics that make a city feel comforting and safe.

Blue: Blue represents intelligence as well as peace and relaxation. In our city, we used blue to create our university and movie theatre design. The colour blue is also shown in the park as there is a small stream to add more nature.

Green and Brown: Green and brown represent nature. Throughout our city the main colour you’ll see is green; we have lots of trees, grass and flowers surrounding our city as well as in our park. Brown is shown mostly in the ground/dirt/sand and roads throughout our city. It is also part of the trees and bits of a couple of buildings, as well as the bride overlapping the stream in the park.

Communication Reflection

For this project, I worked with a partner to come up with a Utopian City. Together, we assembled the values and expressive colours of our city. To do this project, we used a free note-taking app called GoodNotes. This app made it easy to present our detailed ideas and visions of our city through drawing it ourselves. My partner and I communicated with each other mainly through Snapchat and shared our opinions and thoughts on a Microsoft Word document. We provided creative ideas that supported each other’s values in life as well as suggesting changes for feedback. My responsibility was to use my iPad and Apple Pencil to create the drawing of our city. We were both able to work smoothly as partners to create a city that shares both our ideas and values. With the help of social media, we kept in contact even when we weren’t at school to talk in person about the project. Overall I’d say that my partner and I used our time efficiently. We never had trouble coming up with ideas or felt rushed to complete the project. We made our decisions by figuring out a consensus of our “needs” and “wants.” Because we both had so many ideas, we had to narrow them down to the ones we both agreed were the most valued; would make the town the best it could be. After figuring out the program we wanted to use, we came across a rather significant inconvenience; we weren’t able to share the drawing document. Although, after talking our options over, we decided to work on the other parts of the project at home (the Values and Important Colours sentences) and when we see each other in person at school, I would bring my Apple Pencil and iPad for both of us to draw our city together. In the meantime, while we were at home, I continued to draw our city but got feedback from my partner by sending them screenshots to analyze. Because of this strategy, we could continue to get our work done as a team and stay on track to complete the project in time. I am very satisfied with the final product of the Utopian City my partner and I created. By using our imagination and communications skills, we created and demonstrated all aspects and values of our city with detail and hard work. In the future, I could improve on my creative skills as most of our values were based on the ones mentioned in class or the examples in other student’s work. Although, I wouldn’t say that I am upset that we didn’t use more unique values as the ones we chose to incorporate strongly united with our beliefs and personal opinions.

What’s the World Around Town?

My Map


1. Was I able to identify how geography impacts the town / city with ease? How was I able to find how the physical geography impacted these areas?

Yes, I was easily able to find how geography impacted the town I chose to research. I was able to find how physical geography impacts the areas in Osoyoos as I recently travelled there with my family. During the trip I took pictures and learned a lot about the town’s characteristics, which made it easier to do this project.

2. How did the technology personally affect my learning? What were the pros and cons of using Be detailed in your response here.

Technology made it easy for me to learn about geography, how the economy works, and different ways to show my learning. While using, I was easily able to create and explain the different places in the town I chose. A pro when using is the variety of colours and symbols for the markers as it makes it easy to identify each place. Another pro is that there isn’t a limit to how long your description is for a marker. In addition, makes it easy to find any location/area in Canada or anywhere in the world as you just have to search it up in the search tab and it will pop up. A con would be that you have to save your map every single time you leave the website. This might sound obvious but it was a bit frustrating as I am use to my work being saved automatically if I press the save button once.

3. Were you satisfied with the result of your design and solutions?

Yes, I am happy with how my map turned out and what I learned from this project.

4. How would you refine your assignment in the future?

In the future, I would probably shorten my discriptions so it just says the main points and isn’t so long to read. Another thing I would change would be how I explain the development areas and how they would affect the community.