Final Reflection – Life Science 11

  1. What aspects of this course did you enjoy the most? Why?

I enjoyed learning about cnidarians the most this year! It was interesting to learn and identify the different classes and their anatomy and how they live. It was really cool to dissect the squid and find the radula and other parts of it’s body!

2. What aspects of this course did you not enjoy? Why?

I wasn’t as interested in learning about flat worms and round worms but they were still pretty cool to look at their anatomy and how they reproduce and digest foods, etc. I am not overly interested in the lives of worms and how they have evolved and how they live but it was still a good topic to include in this course.

3. Were there any topics or activities that you are interested in that were not covered in this course? if yes, explain.

No there were not any topics or activities that were not covered in this course that I would be more interested in.

4. what skills did you improve on during this course?

I improved on lab work and working in a group to complete assignments. I strengthened my communication skills to learn more from my peers and better understand the material.

5. Do you have any recommendations for how this course was taught?

No I do not have any recommendations. I think this course was taught in a organized and detailed way. I learned a lot in this course.

6. If you had the chance to do this course again, is there anything you would do differently?

If I had the chance to do this course again, I would focus on re-reading all parts of the textbook multiple times and answering all of the review questions. I would also do all of the Kahoots more than once so I will be fully prepared for the quizzes/tests.

7. Do you plan to study Biology in the future?

Yes I do plan to study Biology in the future as I hope to become a physiotherapist. I will take a few different courses revolving Biology and Kinesiology in post-secondary school. I will also be taking Anatomy and Physiology 12 next year.