Core Competency Reflection


For this project I showed collaboration skills when I asked my peers for inspiration or positive criticism or any other ideas regarding my piece. If I ever had trouble deciding on a certain colour or design of something, I collaborated with the people at my table group to help me form my final piece. Specifically, I used this skill when it came to where I should glue certain card board pieces and where in my setting I should place my clay model. Because we were all sharing the glue gun, we took turns with it and they helped me choose where to glue my cardboard details. In the end, I am proud of what I created and I am happy that I was able to get some advice from my peers to enhance my project.

Critical and Reflective Thinking:

For this project, I demonstrated critical and reflective thinking when molding my clay fairy. For instance, the hair strands of my fairy were beginning to fall and break off as it dried. To fix this, I restarted the head of hair and made it so the hair was a bit thicker and not as long. I also added a lot of slip so that each strand was secured in place. Another issue that I had to face was that my clay mushroom was a bit wobbly. This was happening because the support cap of the mushroom was quite large compared to the stem/base. It had to be fairly big so that the fairy could fit and sit on top of it so instead of shrinking the cap, I added some clay to the very base of the mushroom. Adding more structure to the base allowed for the mushroom to hold up the fairy

Unit Core Competency Assessment

Cell Membrane Diffusion Lab

Two Core Competencies:

  1. Communication/Collaboration The Cell Membrane Diffusion Lab required strong communication with my partner and group peers. To participate in this lab and carry out both Part A and Part B, our group of 4 people was split into two pairs. One pair was in charge of testing the diffusion of the starch cell, while the other pair was responsible for testing the diffusion of the glucose cell. Because we were working in pairs, we had to communicate and collaborate with each other for every step of the experiment to ensure we both understand was is happening and what steps to follow. Specifically, one step that required both individuals was creating the cells using semi-permeable dialysis tubing, and filling them with the correct contents. The pair in charge of part A (starch) worked together to tie the strings on each end of the dialysis tubing and also communicated to measure the starch solution and releasing it into the cell accurately. We then worked together to secure the cell onto the edge of the beaker and submerged it into the IKI water by using the plastic holder. Furthermore, each partner used their communication skills to evaluate and analyze the experiment’s qualitative and quantitative data/observations. All of these steps that were done for Part A were done the same for Part B with the glucose instead of starch and distilled water instead of IKI water. Finally, I used my communication skills to discuss our results/observations with all four group members to create an agreement on a conclusion to our hypothesis.

2. Critical Thinking – The Cell Membrane Diffusion Lab required me to use my thinking core competency skills to come up with answers to the analysis questions, as well as to write/form my conclusion paragraph. For instance, to answer all of the questions for the lab, I used multiple sources to support my reasoning. I used information from my notes, as well as communicated with my group peers to agree on an answer. Furthermore, Part A (the starch cell) of our lab didn’t result the way we predicted in our hypothesis. Due to this unexpected result, I used my thinking to discover where we went wrong/what errors may have occurred, and how the errors can be prevented next time.

Facing a Challenge

Section 1.5 – Question 6. j)

The first time I tried this problem I found it challenging because I had never attempted to solve an equation by adding two fractioned radicals without the help of a peer or teacher. The whole concept of working with radicals by themselves was still new to me so adding fractions to the equation made it a bit more challenging to solve.

During my first attempt at solving this equation, I was able to factor out numbers from the numerators and also the “x2” in the denominator of the second fraction. However, I got stuck when I had to make the denominators the same before adding the fractions together. This was quite a simple step that I had learned previously but forgot to do; in order to add fractions, the denominator must be the same – you can multiply the denominator and numerator by a common multiple so that both denominators from each fraction are the same. After completing and understanding this step, I made another mistake by adding both the coefficients in the numerator as well as the radicands in the numerators. This step is incorrect and led me to a false answer as when you add the same radicals with coefficients, you only add the coefficients and must keep the radials and radicands the same. This is because if a radical has the same index and radicand, you can add or subtract as normal. However, if they were different, you cannot add or subtract.

To find the correct solution and solve this question properly, I used a variety of resources. First, I reviewed my notes with my peers so we could all understand and figure it out together. The notes did help show where I went wrong, but I also consulted with my math tutor so she could fully explain why I was wrong and why the correct steps make more sense (more description).

In order to remember how to solve this equation, the concepts/skills I needed were that when you add fractions with radicals, you first need to make the denominators the same (by using common multiples). In addition, I needed to remember that when you add the radicals together, if they have the same radicand, all you do is add the coefficients.

Next time I encounter a difficult problem, I might try to use other strategies such as use the answer key to work backwards or watch a video on YouTube so someone can explain the steps to me and the reasoning behind them. All in all, I feel that the strategies I used to solve this challenging question were useful, helped me get the correct answer, and made me learn from my mistakes.

Ceramics Core Competency Reflection

Creative Thinking Skills

My artifact connects to Creative Thinking Skills. It connects to this Core Competency because this Final Project required a lot of creative thinking in order to develop my own unique ideas and create a design for my project. Even though this project is not yet complete (hasn’t been glazed yet), I showed this when I wrote my Planning sheet for this Final Project.

On the planning sheet I made notes about shape, size, patterns, additive/deductive work, use of colours, etc. that I wanted for my design. My planning sheet also consisted of a few sketches of how I envision I want my project to look like once its rendered. For my drawing/sketches I also tried to show different angles and put arrows where specific ideas take place.

For example, I broke down the whole project and drew separate parts of the project. My Project is a fruit juicer that is shaped as a turtle. I split it apart and drew/wrote details about the base/bowl, the head and neck/spout (where the juice will pour out of), the strainer in the neck that will prevent any pulp or seeds from being poured out, the legs/arms/flippers, and the triangular juicer part. I had to make note of what would be hand sculpted and what wold be added on with slip versus what is deducted by scratching/carving pieces and details out. I also had to keep in mind of who I was making this piece for so I could think of some meaning that could connect my project to that person. For instance, my final project is being made for my aunt how always makes fresh fruit, margaritas, and went to Hawaii with me to see the sea turtles.

All of this planning and creative thinking that was used to create my Final Ceramics Project connects to the Creative Thinking Core Competency.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical/Reflective Thinking

Pg. 1 Acid-Base Titration Lab Data/Analysis
Pg. 2 Questions
Pg. 3 Conclusion

My artifact connects to Critical/Reflective Thinking as I can focus on the strategies I used to solve problems, how I can analyze evidence to make decisions and conclusions, and how I can use feedback to improve. The conclusion paragraph and the answers to the analysis questions of this chemistry lab clearly demonstrate how I can thoroughly analyze all of my data/evidence in order to put together a conclusion.

My conclusion paragraph was well thought out/constructed as it included all four steps in creating a strong conclusion; State the purpose, explain (a shortened) procedure, conclude/restate the purpose and discuss data/results, and lastly, explain the sources of errors that occurred during the experiment.

During this lab, I also used feedback to improve. For instance, on the first page where all of the data is recorded, I got my teacher to read over it and check for any mistakes before I moved onto the analysis and follow up questions. If I did have any mistakes, she would circle or underline what I would need to fix and I would use her feedback to go back and correct my mistakes. Another example of using feedback to improve is demonstrated on the last page (pg. 3). On this page, I wrote my overall conclusion of the lab experiment. Before handing it into the teacher, I asked one of my peers to proof read and double check that I stated all of the information required. At first, I did miss a couple of points so I took the feedback and rewrote or added on what was needed.

This Chemistry lab is a great example of reflecting on the Core Competencies, specifically, taking a deeper dive into Critical/Reflective Thinking.

Drawing Painting Core Competency Reflection

My Art

Creative Thinking

I’ve demonstrated Creative Thinking a lot so far in this art course. In particular, I have noticed that I use it a lot in my sketchbook work. While making this drawing of a bear playing a drum, I showed that I can form new ideas to create new things and I can also build on the ideas of others. At first, I didn’t quite know what to draw but once I looked over to my friend’s drawing, it sparked an idea. She was using coloured pencils to draw a rabbit playing the ukulele. I thought that was a great idea but had to figure out a way to make it unique and my own piece of art. I thought of creating a bear/teddy bear playing a drum because it had the same idea of an animal playing an instrument but it was also something I created using different ideas of my own.