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Transforming Parabolas


y=a(x-h)²+k is the regular form of a function of a parabola, the “a” in the function is responsible for the change of width, and the direction of the parabola, The “h” shifts the parabola horizontally, and the “k” shifts the parabola vertically.

Properties Of The Parabola

The “a” value of the equation y=3(x+1)²-1 is 3, making it 3 times more compressed than the parent function.

The “h” value of the equation y=3(x+1)²-1 is +1, shifting the parabola 1 value to the left of the parent function.


Because the regular form of the equation is y=a(x-h)²+k the “h” value is actually being subtracted from the “x” Ex. y=3(x–1)²-1. Therefore shifting the parabola to the left of the parent function by 1 value.

the “k” value of the equation y=3(x+1)²-1 is -1. Shifting the parabola down by 1 value from the parent function.

Core Competencies

– Representing a mathematical idea in different ways

  • I represented the same mathematical idea of the quadratic function in vertex form, by showcasing the different properties of the variables such as the “a”,”k”, and “h” values.

Demonstrating understanding with mathematic vocabulary

  • I demonstrated my knowledge of parabolas by using vocabulary taught in class such as:
  • Horizontal shift
  • Vertical shift
  • Compression.

Formatting presentation clearly and in an organized way

  • I formatted the presentation in a clear and organized manner by splitting the sections of the variables presented with headings, highliting the variables in bold, using subheadings and bullet points to present my facts and core competencies in an organized way.
Published inMath 11Uncategorized

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