Photography 10

Core Competency I can” statementArtifact Reflection

I get ideas when I use my senses to explore  
My play ideas are fun for me and make me happy. 

I had learned a lot of stuff and different elements of photography it was an incredibly fun to take picture and learn more about the mods of the camera life the shutter speed and iso to make it brighter like this leading I made all the chairs to go to a line pointed at Ronie and fix the shutter so I the Light it there. 

Metal work

As a part of Mr Peterson metal 10/11 class awesome teacher, we started doing safety protocols such as welding and etc we started our project some choose to do a box and dice I choose to do a dice and I finish cutting them and making hole some of the hole I made was not in the right order due to measurements and I just need to sand it and weld it and I’m all set I hope my dice project turn out good, here the picture of the progress