interview essay

my paper

lives unlived essay

the writing process

me and writing this essay had a love, hate relationship. I struggled with physically getting the information I needed to complete this assignment seemings I have based my interview around my grandmother and her family moving from the Philippines to Canada, and she lives on the island. so receiving this information was difficult for me and actually asking her the questions and receiving her answers. on the more positive side once I had every piece of information I needed I found actually putting together the essay and writing it was a breeze.

core competency reflection

  1. creative thinking prompts – Some skills I have developed to make my creative activities better are… problem solving. I have developed great problem solving skills through this assignment because I had to solve how I was going to contact with my grandma that lives on the island and figure out how I was going to get these questions across to her and how I would receive her answers.
  2. personal awareness and responsibility prompts – I respectfully advocate for my needs by… advocating to my grandma what other information I need to fill in some blank spaces I have in my information sheets that I need in order the finish a section I have written in my essay.
  3. communication prompts – My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include… eliminating somewhat repetitive information and eliminating irrelevant information I’ve received that I don’t really need to add to my essay.
  4. collaboration prompts – I show others that I truly value their contributions by… allowed peer edits by other classmates and taking their feedback into consideration to better my essay and to possibly receive a better mark then I would’ve had before the peer edit.