Innovation Timeline



I knew that the information I chose was reliable because the citation was good, and other sites had the same information(citations were good as well) I think that I knew the information was good because the sites were something I’ve used before and they were good in the past.

I chose this timeline to display my learning because were told to do it in a timeline. I think that this was easier because it is somewhat easier to look at, but the only thing that is bad about it is that there is limited space.

I think that the outcome is good, because it shows the date and we know that it is in order. I think the timeline was easier for me, because it was like, little chunks, and not just a long paragraph. There just isn’t a lot of space to write everything down.

To refine my project in the future I would try to talk more about how they help society and things like that. Also more about what they were mad out of. I would make it smaller by choosing smaller words.


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