The Simpson’s

My Analysis

Creating and Communicating

While watching The Simpson’s, Mr. Cook would pause whenever a joke with a deeper meaning or a use of a literary device occurred and, he would break it down. First, we learned what Irony, allusion and satire was and we go to see it being used in action through the nostalgia of The Simpson’s making it more engaging. For example, Krusty the Klown asked the question, “what will you do if this show goes off air?” The children responded, “we will kill ourselves.” Mr. Cook broke it down and showed us how it was a use of Satire and how it is showcasing how children can be so consumed into Hollywood, with humour. At the end of the unit we wrote an expository essay about why The Simpson’s is such a successful show. I used examples from the show and explained the deeper meaning of the jokes and showed what literary devices they used. Additionally, I explained how each literary device influenced your opinion and kept the audience engaged. In this expository essay I refined my text by making sure I had a strong thesis statement, followed the rule, less is more, made sure my conclusion restated my thesis statement and made sure I had strong body paragraphs.

Core Competency Reflection

I respectfully advocate for my needs by asking for clarification when I need, asking for help on a certain area in a assignment and asking classmates to proof read my work.

I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence of that is in my expository essay. I could have written well over one page but, the criteria stated, to keep it around one page. Therefore, I tried my best and shortened the essay as much as I could.

I remain open minded as I explore viable options or alternative approaches, like when I wrote my book report. I had many different books I could have reported on and many different reporting styles. I settled on the book Misery and presented it on PowerPoint.


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