EFP 11 Reflection

Curricular Competencies Reflection (Comprehend and Connect)

Reflecting on this assignment, I learned about many indigenous stereotypes that are offensive towards the indigenous community, how a large company like Disney builds on these stereotypes, how easily they are dismissed, and lastly, how these companies will edit parts of history to sell more tickets, in most cases damaging the reputation of the indigenous community. In general, my reading and writing improved during the duration of this essay because I had practice finding sources, taking valid information from the text, and blending quotes into my essay. Something I learned was how to find authentic First Peoples’ texts. After researching Pocahontas,” I learned that many people want an apology and for the stereotypes, movies, etc. to either be stated to be false or corrected. For reconciliation to be built, companies like Disney have to listen to these requests and meet these reasonable demands. 

Core Competencies Reflection (Thinking: critical/reflective thinking)

While researching for this essay, I had to tell the difference between facts and opinions to support my points with unbiased sources. I did this by going over multiple websites to see if they all had similar points or facts so I could use them in my essay. This is a useful skill that will be used in assignments in the future. Additionally, I had to analyze articles and make decisions about whether they seemed authentic enough before looking at other sources. Lastly, I reflected on my thinking to come up with the best topics I could think of in order to make the essay as engaging and insightful as possible. 


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