Graphing a Parabola

My parabola versus a standard parabola.
figure 1 (the red parabola)
figure 2

The variables “a”, “h”, and “k” all have their own effect on the parabola. They all come from the equation shown in figure 2. The “a” value determines if the parabola opens upwards, downwards or if it’s narrow or wide. Since a is positive and greater than 0, a=3, the parabola is narrow and opens upwards. The “h” value determines if the parabola shifts to the left or right on the “x” axis. If “h” is negative, it will shift right, if “h” is positive the parabola will shift left. Since h is -4 the “x” value of the parabola will be 4, shifting to the right and the “x” value of the vertex will be 4. The “k” value decides if the parabola will shift up or down. The “k” value is 2 meaning it will shift up. Additionally, the “y” value of the vertex will be 2, vertex = (4,2).  


  1. I portrayed the same mathematical idea through my graph, paragraph, and equation. For example, I explained the “a”, “k”, and “h” values in my paragraph, and they, additionally, have visual aids through the graph and the equation.
  2. I used mathematical vocabulary multiple times throughout this assignment. For example, when explaining what the “h” and “k” values do, I used phrases like shifts right or left on the “x” axis or shifts up or down on the “y” axis to explain my point.
  3. I used the website Desmos to graph my two parabolas in a neat and tidy way. After, I found a scale that made it easy to differentiate my parabolas and took a screenshot leaving just the graph, none of the unnecessary border. 

Our Utopian City: Synergy City

Our group consulted about our beliefs and values and came up with six values that are represented by buildings/structures amongst our city. First, we value education because it’s the key to success, further on in life. This is represented by the school. Secondly, we built a pool, basketball court and gym to represent fitness. The houses scattered around our city represent family/belonging, and we have garbage and recycling bins scattered around the city to make sure our city is eco-friendly. Finally, the hospital represents the most valuable of them all, health. You can’t put a price on health. This city is located on the moon to represent change. Change for the better or the worse, you have to learn to accept it and move on. 

Communication Reflection

This project is about communicating your ideas and values with your classmates and keeping an open mind about your group member’s ideas. We used Minecraft to showcase our ideas and used snapshot to communicate. We let each other speak one by one and was open to any ideas that came up. We chose which ideas to use via group vote. I came up with the values, location and built the basketball court, pool and outdoor gym. We split the building portion evenly to make sure everyone contributed. Our group worked well together. There were no complaints despite the fact that the floors of our world disappeared. We worked together and got through the challenge quickly and efficiently. We didn’t waste a single minute. We finished our build faster than we expected. When we were in our brainstorming stage, we would blurt out ideas, and if everyone agreed, we would use it. In the event of conflict, we would vote. I was satisfied with the finished product. I thought it was built well and looked phenomenal. A piece of advice I would give my past self is to save often because I forgot and parts of the world were deleted, and we didn’t have a backup of the world.