French 11 Movie Poster

In the beginning, my partner, Nate, and I struggled with finding what movie to make our project about. We discussed ideas back and forth until Nate came up with a movie both of us liked, Godzilla. We showed collaboration by splitting up the project evenly and communicating to each other whenever we had a disagreement about which direction the project was going towards. for example, my partner wanted to present our project through a three-sided poster board but, after discussing it together, we concluded it would look better and easier to do on a one-sided poster board. Another example of communication was during the printing of our finished product. I was originally the one designated to print, but after having printer troubles, I communicated with Nate, and he printed everything avoiding a huge problem. Lastly, we found that after this project, it was much easier to collaborate and communicate on group work, assignments and asking for help in general.