Core Competency Self-Assessment

Social Awareness and Responsibility CLE 10


This artifact relates to the Social Awareness Core Competency because it helps our class get to know each other’s interests/future interests. Additionally, we presented this in class therefore, when I was not presenting but listening, I made sure to be supportive to make a more inclusive environment and to help build trust as a class. In this brochure, the assignment I demonstrated that I could interact with others and the environment respectfully and thoughtfully. I did this by first presenting in a non-aggressive manor making sure everyone could hear me, and after, I listened to their advice on how I could make it better. Secondly, when others were presenting, I made sure to be respectful and give them 110% of my attention. Afterwards, I gave the presenter constructive criticism that is useful without insulting him. To present our projects, we were split into groups of four. Once my group was done presenting, we made sure to keep quiet out of respect to the other groups around us. This helped create a better environment for the other groups to present. I can implement this core competency in the future when possibly placed in group projects in work, post-secondary school or even family get togethers. For example, if I must work in a group for a job, I can chip in and give suggestions to my colleague’s ideas or even input my own ideas in a respectful manor portraying my opinion in a way that only benefits my colleagues but doesn’t discourage them.