Facing A Challenge

a 1.7 equation

The first time I tried this problem, I made the mistake of only expanding the left side of the equation. Then, I attempted several wrong ways to solve the problem because I was uncertain of what to do with the number in front of the coefficient. I noticed that I was not getting anywhere and at last I searched for the practice key found on OneNote. I still had a hard time grasping the steps and later consulted the help of the app Photomath to further understand the question and learn the steps. The steps shown were still not enough for me to understand and eventually lunch came. It took my friend explaining rules like “what you do on one side of the equation you must do to the other” and the entirety of lunch for me to finally understand how to do it. Me and my friend did it together and in the end, I answered more questions similar to the given to better understand the topic. Next time when I encounter a difficult problem, I might try to think of the past topics we’ve talked about to check if the rules used in previous lessons can be applied to a the recent one.


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