Year end concert reflection

What about the last concert/performance are you proud of? Why are proud of this?

For both bands, I am most proud of our dynamics and overall our set list was played quite well. I am most proud of this because our dynamics tended to be the problem during our Cantando performances, and after listening to the recording of our concert, I could hear sections playing out or subtle depending their part.

If you could change or fix one thing about your performance, what would it be? What would you improve?

I would try to work on the fact that I should try to look up at the conductor more and make sure I’m playing on time. This was most evident in Funeral March as I rushed a section which led to the whole band having to match my tempo.

Please write a few sentences to describe your performance at our concert.

Overall, A solid performance to end the year. Tempo was not together sometimes however, dynamics were good, we played with confidence, all solos were great and the set list we had for both bands were perfect.

In a few sentences, please describe how this past year has gone for you in band? How have you improved on your instrument and what would you like to continue to improve on? 

This past year of band has been such a positive and fun experience, and taking band has been the best decision I’ve ever made. Since the start of the year, my breath control has improved and I now pay closer attention to dynamics. Something I would like to improve on is my tone on the alto sax, as I will not be playing Bari-sax after highschool.

Core Competency Self-Assessment


My artifact: Titration lab

To successfully complete this lab within the given timeframe, effective collaboration and communication with my partner was necessary. I demonstrated effective collaboration through organized communication with my partner, by splitting up roles and certain jobs we assigned to ourselves. This allowed us to finish the lab on time, even though we messed up 2 trials. This clearly demonstrates how I can work with others to achieve a common goal, and how I take responsibility and do my job.

Critical Reflective Thinking

I can analyze evidence to make judgements. These skills were nurtured and encouraged when doing case studies for Law 12. In those case studies, I learned how to pay attention to the detail of the case, as well as making logical and fair judgments based on precedent. Learning about the justice system not only aids me in this course, but is applicable to my day to day life. Despite my proficiency in case studies, I find that it is challenging when I am faced with analyzing legal situations.

Year End Edublog Reflection

This year was my first year in senior band. Although the transition from junior to senior wasn’t hard as I had imagined, the small changes I needed to make drastically improved my playing. Prior to senior band, I never paid close attention to the minor details of my playing, but instead focused solely on notes. When Mr. Wallace came to Centennial to teach, he heavily emphasized these small details. At first, I didn’t understand the importance of focusing on minor details. Crescendos and Decrescendos, Notation, Dynamics, Balance, these are all the things I didn’t emphasize. However, as the semester progressed, I started to focus more on these details due to Mr. Wallace’s emphasis. This in turn made our band sound better and dramatic. Another way I was able to improve this year was having a fun class environment. We had a fun teacher who knew when we could have fun or when work had to be done, building a healthy classroom environment. He also engaged with us students a lot and would occasionally teach us things outside of our curriculum. His passion for his job also made me want to try harder, it was a little inspiring at times. Finally, I had a feature for a song in the senior jazz band at the year-end concert. Although I was nervous, I stood up with my right hand numb and played. The moment I blew into my horn, I felt a sense of relief knowing I was playing well that night. That was the best band I have ever been in in my five years of playing saxophone.  

EFP 11 Reflection

The Real “Pocahontas” Story Text Evaluation

Curricular Competency reflection

During this text evaluation, I learned about the authenticity of writing, and the importance of it. A good example is the Disney movie “Pocahontas”, a romanticized version of what really happened to her. With this knowledge, our class read various articles debunking the controversial movie. This made me realize common stereotypical Indigenous themes that were often portrayed in narratives, and how perspective determines this.

Core Competencies

I can analyze evidence to make judgements

The Pocahontas text evaluation required you to research evidence to debunk the white-washed movie. Using that evidence, I had to answer questions and make a judgement on the authenticity of the information I read. I researched their background, current occupation and heritage.

IDS Inquiry Reflection

What is your Inquiry Question? Has the focus of your inquiry shifted or changed since you wrote your Personal Learning Plan? Explain. 

What is it like to be a Marine Biologist? I am thinking of making a water tank with a pet, either an underwater snail or hermit crab. It started out being a video editing Inquiry.

How is your time management? Are you using CENT time weekly to work on your Inquiry, or are you finding other time during the week? 

My time management this semester is better. Last semester, I used CENT time to study and do homework for my sciences. I am now using CENT time to work on IDS. 

What resources (people, websites, apps, videos, etc.) have been most helpful? 

Cousins that show a big interest in marine life and YouTube guides. 

What challenges are you currently facing with your Inquiry? What challenges have you overcome? 

Getting ahold of an expert in the field is challenging. (Marine Biologist)

Describe your growth of a Core Competency through this inquiry process. 

Critical and reflective thinking are skills crucial for IDS. I have used this thinking when I investigated and reflected on my research. My question is slightly branching out to more ideas because of this skill. 

How will you share what you have been learning, creating or planning in this Inquiry? 


 Are you on track to share your learning by the end of May or early June? 


Will you continue working on this Inquiry, or parts of it, for your Capstone next year? 

Not too sure yet.

Core Competency Reflection (Slinky lab)

Core Competency Prompts

I used to think…and now I know…because I … (explored…, gathered other perspectives, learned about…)

I used to think that amplitude affected speed and now I know that it doesn’t because I did this lab. This lab made it easier to conceptualize the notes we did on waves.

I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in this…

Using the evidence we found in our lab, we were able to figure out that amplitude didn’t affect speed.

When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I…

When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I ask them questions.

Chapter 6 Spanish Test

Reflecting on my Spanish test, I am somewhat happy with my mark. Although I did well in terms of spelling and vocabulary, I didn’t include accents and Estar in present progressive. This overall costed me 7 marks in total. I will keep in mind to always include accents and look for little mistakes when proof reading before I hand in my test.

Core Competency

I demonstrated creative thinking during the test

I demonstrated critical thinking and reflective thinking during this edublog

My Future Career

My Future Career (Forensic Scientist)

My future career is to become a Forensic Scientist in Criminalistics. I first need to study science related subjects in Highschool like Chemistry 11 and Physics 11. When choosing a post-secondary school, both U.B.C and BCIT offer Forensic Science and Biochemistry. These courses expose you to Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Forensic Science and Chemistry. At the end of these courses, I will be proficient in a laboratory environment and will gain critical and analytical skills. Therefore, This is the best route to achieving my Bachelor of Science degree in Canada.

Core Competency Reflection

Creative Thinking: I can develop a creative body of work over time. I chose this one because I demonstrated in the How to conduct an Interview assignment. I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others. I demonstrate this in various group projects.

Critical & Reflective thinking: I can reflect on my own thinking. I demonstrated this by setting goals based on my thoughts.

Future Goal: I consider more than one way to proceed in an investigation. I tend to stick to one idea in projects whether they are good or not. In the future, I would like to be more open minded to new ideas.