A take away I got from the cpr is how to use the aed machine and where to find it. It can be very useful in situations because you can do the cpr and ask someone to quickly get the aed and that person can be you and you would know where it is. Another takeaway I got is, I didn’t know there was these naloxhome kits that had a bunch of stuff in them. The final takeaway I got is how to do proper cpr and again because I didn’t do it for 2 years and I forgot. These topics can impact me on my life by if I’m walking by someone and the person fell (heart stopped working) I could maybe help and try do cpr and the stuff I learned like the aed.

Critical and Reflective Thinking Competency Reflection

I can analyze if some one needs a naloxhome kit or cpr. If they are not breathing(unresponsive), and if they aren’t talking or moving. Also, I know where the kits are so I can make judgements if someone needs a kit or not.