Independent Novel Study Review

Percy Jackson(The Lightning Thief)

The Writing Process

The easiest part was simply just reading the book. Some difficulties for me was that I was sick the whole week before spring break and that’s when Mr. Cook let the students work on the project. Me being sick I completely forgot about it and had to read the whole book and finish the project in one and a half weeks. Every chance that I got I worked on this project to try and get it done on time. Nothing surprised me until I realized how close it was to presenting my book to the class. I enjoyed reading about the protagonist and antagonist, how they react to things and the difference between them. Probably the hardest part was in which order I should put the Initiating incident, Climax, and Denouement, because of how many problems my protagonist had to face in this book.

Core Competency Reflection

I used to think that reading isn’t enjoyable or calming, and now I know that it is because I enjoyed reading my book and plan on reading more.

If my partner is not productive, we can take a little brain break, start playing some games with each other for a couple minute. We take a deep breath, in order to get things moving in the right direction.

When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I take a break from what I’m doing, go on my phone for a few minutes, get back focused on what I was doing ready to learn.

One core competency that I would like to work on “In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by…” I will do this by sharing my thoughts with my class, start getting involved in more conversations.