English 11 Poetry Reflection

My Poem

This is a Poem I created about my Lacrosse stick that I have used for 3 years

Curricular Competencies Reflection

a. The purpose of my poem is to show how much it has been through in the past 3 years

b. This poem was for my English Teacher to show her I can create and original poem

c. This Poem is related to me as this Lacrosse stick has been with me for 3 years

d. I made it sound engaging by making it sound like a battle or a fight was happening

e. I used the feel of the stick and the strings.

Creative Thinking Core Competency Reflection

a. The first thing that came to my mind was lacrosse so I decided to do it on my Lacrosse stick

b. When I was thinking about what to write some of my ideas just came into my head and I just tried to make it somewhat rhyme

c. I listened to music to stabilize my mind

e. I can add more poetic devices


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