My 2022/2023 Year
◦I played lacrosse: my team won the Provincials and I was team captain.
◦I achieved a B in my English class this year: I attended flex regularly to get support. I met with my teacher and discussed how I my writing could get stronger. I read extra novels at home to increase my reading skills
◦I met new friends through my leadership class: I invited some others in the group to meet and plan activities. I started a group chat so we could talk regularly. I invited my new group over to my house.
Areas to Improve
Goals | Action Plans: Over the summer |
◦Eat healthier | I will track what I eat, I will help with grocery shopping and I will help prepare meals that include lots of vegetables, lean meats, and complex carbs. |
◦I would like to get at least 80% in my English course | I will read 5 novels and I will keep a reading journal to reflect on them and practice my writing skills |
◦I would like to make the CENT basketball team | I will practice my free-throws 4 times a week and I will invite my friends to pick up games 2 times a week so I can practice playing |