About Me

My Bio

 My name is Rachelle and I’m a grade 9 student. I’m excited to extend my learning and develop new skills throughout the year. Courses I currently have are English and Spanish. I’m looking forward to learning Spanish and using it in the future like traveling or meeting new people. I learn my best at night, where it’s quiet and I have no distractions. While working, I enjoy listening to instrumental music, such as guitar and piano. It helps me relax and work more efficiently. On my spare time, I like to spend time with my friends, family and look through inspiration of clothing and photography on Pinterest. Goals I hope to achieve are having time management, build good study habits, and not leave assignments to last minute to avoid stress.   

My Favourite Website


Pinterest is a website where there’s different varieties of pictures and videos for finding inspiration of different topics. Such as fashion, food, quotes, traveling, hobbies and photography. I enjoy this website to feel motivated and find inspiration of my interests, like fashion and traveling.  

My Favourite Video

This year, avoiding procrastinating is one of my goals. I tend to leave assignments to last minute and not have time management. It makes me feel stress and rushed. For me, listening to music encourages me to be productive and focus on work. The type of music I enjoy listening to when working is instrumental music. The video I chose is calming and soothing to listen to. It helps me stay focus and work efficiently on assignments.  

My Favourite Image

Traveling around the world is a dream of mine. I want to learn about different cultures, food, and languages. This photo of Korea reminds me how there’s many beautiful places I want to discover and explore.

My Favourite Quote

“Learning to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how precious the time is you have to spend, whether it’s at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.” 

-Earl Nightingale 

This quote is meaningful in my everyday life. In my opinion, it’s important to cherish every moment you have and not take it for granted. To take every minute of your day as a blessing. Life goes by fast and I didn’t realize that till now.  






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