Leadership Core Competency

Qualities of a Good Leader Through this course, a quality that I have possessed is being able to collaborate with others within a workspace. During volunteering, I showcase my ability to communicate with new individuals and adults through volunteering in the community. As I shared my ideas and work progress when cleaning and organizing different […]

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Dichotomous Key of Buttons In Life Science 11, we were assigned to create a Dichotomous Key of Buttons. This assignment can demonstrate Communication Core Competency. My partner and I communicated and connected our ideas to illustrate the organization of the buttons. In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by sharing my […]

FMPC 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment

In this math semester, we learned and gained understanding of Trigonometry. Learning trigonometry, I can apply it to the critical and thinking core competency. I can reflect on my thinking while evaluating and analyzing different practice problems. As well as adding strategies from the following lessons. I can tell the difference between the different formulas […]

Spanish 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Spanish 10 Dialogue I’m Spanish 10 class, we were assigned to create and fill in a dialogue while critical thinking and communicating with our partner. This assignment involved the communication and collaborating section of the core competencies. I can represent my learning by sharing my ideas from my spanish knowledge from past lessons from the […]

FMPC 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Improving my understanding in math by taking notes and communicating with others Collaborating/Communicating I can contribute to and my work with criteria to improve my work; evidence of that is planning strategies that are suitable for my skill level. I plan these strategies to improve my learning, understanding, knowledge that will enhance my learning about […]