Archive of ‘Communication’ category

Social Studies 11 Mid-Term Assessment


Curricular Competency – Inquiry

Throughout this project, I was able to demonstrate my abilities to research and gather pieces of information to something that makes sense. Some of my strengths were being able to organize my data and have them straight-forward and on topic. However, some of my weaknesses were not using as many sources, as it is necessary to have the right resources and the correct information. Although I did not use many resources, I am sure that I was able to complete my project with a high level of accuracy.

Core Competency – Communication

Since this project was a group project, it was crucial that everyone worked together so that a complete, on time and accurate project was handed in. My communication skills was great during this project, making sure that my group members were on task, that they knew their roles in the project and that they were balancing their roles with other classes were some of the responsibilities that I had during this project. I believe that my leadership and communications skills helped tremendously towards the project.

English 9 Final Reflection

I show that I value feedback from others in my group by making their feedback known and heard. I make sure that they are not hiding and that they express their ideas. I look out for other group members that might say ”it’s wrong” and I ask them to be thoughtful of all the ideas shared.

This visual representation reflects the Core Competency: Communication and how I grew in that competency in English 9. The words represent my thoughts. I chose to symbolize my thoughts as a brain because of the hard work and all the brain power me and my group members used to create our Choose Your Own Adventure Story. Me and my group members were all one brain, sharing ideas and thoughts to each other.

Choose Your Own Adventure: The Vaccine Incident

My partners, Brian, Jacobe, and I created this choose-your-own-adventure story for our English 9 class. The theme of this story is, “You should never trust strangers.”

Communication Reflection

Our project, created by Brian, Jacobe, and Rosan, is about a zombie apocalypse that occurred after a failed COVID-19 vaccine attempt. We used the program called, “Twine.” This program allowed the reader to pick options, and choose their own adventure. We got in touch with each other through multiple social media apps including, Instagram, and Discord. Each one of us brought up multiple ideas, and we gave feedback on the best ones in a call. My responsibility was writing, and creating the whole story. (With all members contributing different ideas.) I made sure that each group member contributed to the design by giving them general roles and jobs in creating the story. Our group worked marvellous together. We are best friends and we were already comfortable with each other. We used time generally well, giving deadlines for when certain items should be completed. Decisions were made when a group member brought up an idea, and the whole group decided before it was used. We faced some technical problems, such as not being able to save. We solved them by telling the teacher and asking for guidance. We were all satisfied with the final product. This was our first time using a software such as twine, and we think we did an exceptional job on it. We could improve the process for next time by bringing up more ideas, and using all of our time to work on the story. This was a fun experience. I hope we will do this again in the future.