Nature Poetry Anthology

Something innovative about my visual representation is how I set up most of my slides with pictures, thanks to PowerPoint, it doesn’t look like complete trash. I wrote down which poems I was planning on using in my Notes app, which was very helpful as it reminded me a lot. I enjoyed making the slides because it was easy, I also liked searching poems and having to read them. I would improve on my searching skills next time and get more creative with the slides. During this process, I learned that my creative ability was basic and simple as I didn’t like extravagant designs.

Speech Unit Reflection

One thing that I learned in this public speaking unit that I would use in the future is to feel confident, no matter what. I felt extreme nervousness the day of my speech presentation, and I turned it into something positive like excitement. To cite my work, I used “”, and it worked well for me. I found a lot of articles regarding the sex offender registry topic, and they were all really helpful. To improve my skills in researching, I’d ask a lot more people for input, as I only used the internet.