A & P 12 Core Competency

Critical thinking

During the fetal pig dissection lab I was able to use my critical thinking skills to analyze the different organs of the fetal pig. By comparing the pigs structure to the diagrams provided and label the parts properly from prior knowledge of my notes. From listening to Ms. Chew’s demonstration I took some strategies she shared to use on my own, for example where to initiate a cut and where to end it. By figuring how much pressure to apply as well helped me improve when I made my next incision for making the cut deep enough. The ability to investigate the pigs organs made me connect our notes to the autonomy of the pig of how it all gets connected from the visual reference and physical touch.


In this lab the procedure was preformed by myself and my classmates Anita and Kate. Since this lab consisted of lab partners, communication was a major fact of how our dissection would turn out. In this sense we used each others knowledge for labeling the necessary parts of the fetal pig, while we had to communicate where the location of the organs would have to be due to the surrounding environment. We also collaborated when it came to making an incision along a certain area, we discussed how far and deep to cut by helping one another from holding the pig in place while someone cut and some else guided them.


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