Lab 20G

Critical Thinking

For the titration Lab 20G I was able to use my critical thinking skills to analyze the data observed when the substance has gotten to the point of neutralization. I used my prior knowledge of titration labs to set up the lab and figure out how to get a pale pink colour. Using the strategy of half drops it was easier to achieve neutralization, for example when the solution starting taking longer to turn pink is when half drops became necessary. In part three of this procedure, I used my critical thinking to calculate the molar mass of the unknown acid and other follow up questions. I improved in this lab with my ability to throughly answer lab questions and collect my data with proper uncertainty.

A & P 12 Core Competency

Critical thinking

During the fetal pig dissection lab I was able to use my critical thinking skills to analyze the different organs of the fetal pig. By comparing the pigs structure to the diagrams provided and label the parts properly from prior knowledge of my notes. From listening to Ms. Chew’s demonstration I took some strategies she shared to use on my own, for example where to initiate a cut and where to end it. By figuring how much pressure to apply as well helped me improve when I made my next incision for making the cut deep enough. The ability to investigate the pigs organs made me connect our notes to the autonomy of the pig of how it all gets connected from the visual reference and physical touch.


In this lab the procedure was preformed by myself and my classmates Anita and Kate. Since this lab consisted of lab partners, communication was a major fact of how our dissection would turn out. In this sense we used each others knowledge for labeling the necessary parts of the fetal pig, while we had to communicate where the location of the organs would have to be due to the surrounding environment. We also collaborated when it came to making an incision along a certain area, we discussed how far and deep to cut by helping one another from holding the pig in place while someone cut and some else guided them.

Life Sciences

I enjoyed the hands on activities such as labs and the nature walk. I felt these really helped me understand the topic in depth with visual experiences.

I didn’t enjoy timing of this block because I had English and chemistry before it.

Yes, more about animals specifically since I want to be a vet.

I improved on my constancy of finishing and studying for homework and tests.

I recommend maybe more examples for this course so you can see a visual of what’s being described.

I would of tried harder to catch up in the beginning of topics that I missed instead of focusing on what was current because I didn’t know the background information

I plan to study biology and become a veterinarian

Graphing a parabola

The variable A affects if the parabola is upward or downward, if the number is positive or negative. In this case A is positive so it is upward and is a fraction which causes the parabola to be wider. K value is equal to Y for the vertex, with X being H value but the opposite sign. Since H is +1, X is -1 in the vertex. The vertex coordinates are (-1, -4). The original equation y=x^2 is compared next to the given vertex form parabola in the graph below. The difference is very noticeable with the picture and one of the biggest differences is the line of symmetry which in the form y=x^2 is X=0 and the minimum value is 0. In my given form y=1/2 (x+1)^2-4 the line of symmetry is -1 and the minimum value is -4. Though there are some similarities as they are all real numbers and in both equations A is positive.

I represented the same mathematical idea in a graph, equation and words.

To demonstrate my understanding of chapter 3 on graphing parabolas I used the vocabulary: vertex, parabola, minimum value, all real numbers, graph, coordinate, equation and line of symmetry.

I used demos graphing calculator for my formatting to show information of my individual equation and a comparison between both.

Personal Health & Awareness

To celebrate an accomplishment such as a touch down I griddy. Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle include taking my dog on long walks, playing games with her outside and eating healthy when possible. I enjoy playing lacrosse as well because it helps me get my mind off things and stay active.

I work with others to achieve a goal when we huddled before a play and strategized our next move. We all communicated our thoughts and succeeded when we used the play.

I take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share by participating in all PE activities.

I encourage others to share their voices and value diverse perspectives when playing a sport I let everyone have a chance and listen to others ideas.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Social Awareness & Responsibility in CLE 10

I can find it easy to be part of a group. Be kind to others, and support others when they need it. In this resume my leadership portion explains my contributions to our community and the people in it, by helping others in need of extra help. In each activity written there were multiple challenges I had to deal with from children not wanting to participate or any type or defiant, I had to use my social responsibility to build a strong relationship they could feel safe around.

From working experience I have overcome a lot of fright about talking in front of others as it became easier over time. As an employee in a group I’m able to make every individual feel included and heard.

Edward Scissorhands Storyboard

My Refection

I chose to do my comic on the scene where Edward gets jealous. The purpose of the scene was to have the happy town start to crack into what it really is. I think this is a very important part to the movie because it happens in the climax when the town starts to turn against Edward. You usually see Edward as a nice guy but just not very good at showing his emotions. So, this scene really stood out to me not only because of Edwards’s reaction but the film techniques. For example, in my interpretation, I added the scene where it dollies Edward down the hallway and does a pan to him standing in front of the mirror. I did so because it was personally my favorite effect throughout the whole movie. I think they done this for the cinematic element too draw your attention to what is going to happen next. This adaptation from film to visual novel taught me that there’s a lot of time and effort put into each scene, little things you don’t notice the first time unless you’re thinking about it.

About Me

My name is Sydney, I’m a lacrosse player. I’ve been playing for 7 years, but lacrosse is not the only thing I enjoy doing. I love music! Almost all genres, I have 16 playlists with over 300 songs on most of them. My friends and family also mean a lot to me. I also really like animals. I have a dog, a bird, fish and I’m getting a puppy soon!

I just stared high school so I don’t know what the courses are gonna be like. Usually my favorite is English because I like writing, it comes easier to me than other subjects. The last few weeks of summer I had my older friend tooter me in math because its not one of my strengths. I try my best to stay on task because I learn best when I’m focused.


This is my favorite website because its a way I can contact my friends when we’re not together and most people I know have it.


Theme Song

The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air is my favorite show. I barley watch tv and I’ve already re-watched it!


my puppy

This is my favorite picture at the moment because It’s of me and my puppy. I’m really excited for her to come home!


“Life is short, smile while you still have teeth.”

-Catriona Crombie

This is my favorite quote because to me it means “live your life to the fullest.” Everyday you get older, you wont get today back so enjoy as much as you can.