Category: Grade 9

what’s the word around town project

My reflection 

When identifying how geography impacts the town it was easy manly because the lake was a popular destination and I was there once. How I was able to identify the physical geography was my work sheets that I got in class, they helped me out and I didn’t really need to do so much research since I had my sheets. 

When thinking of the future I thought of other places and what they did and how I could incorporate it. I also thought of what would be popular there. I found some of the instructions confusing at first. Wish there were no big words in the instructions because that made it more confusing for me. 

 It was a bit frustrating on how to use the map hub I spent 1 hour trying to understand the program but, in the end, I fully understand how to use it and am happy with the results. 

If I were to change anything about my project it would be adding more information about my topics. I was a bit rushed with this manly because I did It wrong the first time then I had to figure out what I did wrong. 

Images -Christina_Lake_Grand_Forks_British_Columbia.html 

speech unit refection

The past two weeks I have learned a lot about citing sources. I learned that you need to cite sources differently, such as it must be alphabetically in order, and must have the access date. 

Something that I learned and would use again would be the citation machine. Using the citation machine made it so much easier to source my work, in the future if I’m ever in a situation where I must source my work, I’ll definitely use that in the later future.  

Tools that helped me cite the information I got is the citation machine. 

A strategy that I found helpful was the different ways to use google and the helpful tips that wore shown. I liked that it narrowed down what I was looking for and found the information that I wanted. 

A source that I found gave me the best information would be National geographic. I like them the most because they gave me the best incite on what the topic was about, I also love watching their documentaries. I find that I learn a lot from them. 

What I could improve on next time would be reading the sources information carefully to have more of a understanding to the topic I am doing. 

Insta scientist assignment

i chose Aristotle because i was interested in the history of someone that was born in 384 BC/before Christ and how much knowledge someone had back then.

Aristotle was is one of the greatest philosophers he studied psychology,logic,history and more.he was trusted by people and was one of the greatest intellectual figures.