English 11 Poetry Reflection

My Poem

No Limits- By Tyler Folster

Curricular Competencies Reflection

The overall purpose of my poem was to express the feeling of riding a new board and illustrate the freedom of skateboarding. This poem was created to encourage any age group to leave the comfort zone and to push past limits. Getting a new skateboard was the inspiration of this poem and was able to explain by riding you don’t have any boundaries or rules to follow. Skateboarding has taught me to keep trying something until I succeed and to be self motivated. I used imagery to bring the skateboard alive creating the image of a brand new skateboard and by riding one it teaches you life lessons.

Core Competency

I chose the first thing that came to my mind and what I think about all the time; skateboarding is an important hobby that has taught me a myriad of things through the amazing experiences I got. All my ideas came from these experiences of skateboarding such as, buying a new one after I break past boards, trying new tricks and getting out of my comfort zone and by never leaving the skatepark before I land the trick I am going for. The thing that sparked my imagination was actually going to the skatepark and thinking about how it felt after riding a new deck. To improve my poem next time I will describe and be more specific about where I ride, so readers can imagine more of what obstacles I overcome.


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