Most Memorable Food Experience

A photo of Bún bò Huế

My most memorable food experience is when my mom makes Bún bò Huế (a Vietnamese dish). My mom rarely makes it, but when she does it tastes amazing. She would be standing in the kitchen carefully adding ingredients for at least 3 hours. The house would have a rich savory smell when I come home from school, instantly looking at the large pot of boiling broth. Bún bò Huế is significant to me because it tastes good and the restaurant I go to eat (When my mom doesn’t make it) at is the same one when there is some family gatherings (In a sense), but it started with a dentist appointment. When I was 11 or 12, I went to get fillings at a dentist’s office with my dad and sister but (and when I was able to eat without messing up said fillings) I was hungry after, so my dad decided to go to a nearby restaurant so satisfy my ever so growing hunger. We went to a Vietnamese restaurant not knowing that the family who runs the business has a daughter who works at the desk in the dentist’s office. As my dad was mingling with the staff I was thinking about what to order. My dad decided to get Bún bò Huế, so I wanted to try it too. In the end, I had a blast eating at the place. The food I ate that day made me crave it whenever we drive to Vancouver.