Works Cited
G, V. (2024, June 26). How can your digital footprint affect you in business opportunities? Reputation Sciences.
7 consequences of your digital footprint you need to know. (n.d.). Retrieved 5 October 2024, from
What is a digital footprint? (2021, September 20). /.

Personal/ Social Competency Reflection
I know that if my Digital footprint isn’t well, I might not be able to get hired at some places or might get attacked online/ be cancelled for things I’ve said. By helping people online, I can make a positive difference to my peers. The reason I say because helping people is a good deed for people. Not everyone is smart with things online (ex. elder people). I make digital ethical choices such as making sure i know that I’m going to post or say online. if I don’t check my posts it could backfire or it could be about something highly sensitive to a group of people.