R3: school life

Japan’s schools are way different than schools in Canada. All schools are built the same for both interior and exterior in Japan, Plus all school kids wear the same uniform all day, down to their lunch kits. All of the students lunches are supplied from the school and made everyday. There are also no janitors in Japanese schools, all of the students help clean up around the end of the day.

Another thing that would shock people is the way the students go to school. All students, young to old, take public transport (bus/ train) to school or walk. the reason why i say that this might shock people is because the crime rate/ kidnapping rate is way higher than Japan. they have way more strict rules over there about these things.

R2: ようかい

i picked tanuki because it reminds me of the Mario power up from some of the games. I also picked it because i know a lot about it and that I find it interesting from the video that we watched in class

タヌキの検索結果 | かわいいフリー素材集 いらすとや

The Tanuki act almost the same as a kitsune, being tricksters and pranking humans and can change shape into other things. tanuki are racoon dogs that are mostly found in mountains and forests throughout Japan. They are carnivores that feed on small animals in the wild and also drink alcohol from time to time.

‘I say that the monsters in western cultures do differ a lot than the yokai in Japan because the yokai are more like spirits instead of one off stories made by people in the past. The same can be said with mythical creatures created from stories from the older days since most people only know the mythical ones as myths and not real. It has been said that some Yokai are real and that’s what sets the difference for me.

I believe that some yokai might exist in real life, some i feel like may exist are the Tanuki, kappa and more. ive seen what some of these look like in pictures and seen them realistically in them.

Works cited

Tanuki | Yokai.com. (n.d.). Retrieved 17 October 2024, from https://yokai.com/tanuki/