A digital footprint is your trail of data that is left on the internet when you use it. Your digital footprint includes the websites you visit, and the information about yourself that you post online. Having a positive digital footprint is important because it can have an enormous impact on your reputation and employment opportunities. If you want to have a positive digital footprint you should think before you post anything on the internet because what’s on the internet stays on the internet even when deleted. Following the think rule before posting anything on the internet can lead to a positive digital footprint, is it True, is it Helpful, is it Inspiring, is it Necessary, and is it kind. Some things that can cause a negative effect to your digital footprint include, posting illegal drug consumption, references to weapons, and the usage of profanity. Posting those things can add red flags to your online profile and can lower the chances of you getting hired for a job. Internet safety is something very important and some ways to stay safe online include, using strong passwords and two-factor authentication, only sharing info about yourself to the public that you are comfortable with sharing, and checking the settings on apps you use to make sure you are comfortable with the amount of information being collected from the apps. Internet safety is important because when you use personal information online unsafely it is easier for hackers to take your personal info and use it to make your positive footprint into a negative footprint. In conclusion this is my paragraph on internet safety and digital footprint.
Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced online presence include…
One of my strategies for maintaining a healthy online presence is following the think rule before I post anything online. Another strategy I have for maintaining a healthy online presence is to not post anything personal about my life that im not comfortable with sharing.
I make digital ethical choices such as (consider commenting on others’ posts, thinking about what you put on line) …in order to…
One of my digital choices to not offend anyone and to keep a healthy online presence is to never comment negatively on anyone’s posts. Another digital choice I have is to never dislike another person’s posts
I think my experiences as a digital citizen, such as…. influenced my choice of course/hobbies/ teams because
I think that the online world has influenced my choice of hobbies because If I didn’t have the internet, I would have never known how much I love playing video games and watching movies. Without the internet I also wouldn’t have learned about how much I like watching soccer and boxing.

work cited
What Is a Digital Footprint? Definition – Meaning – Examples. https://blog.reputationx.com/digital-footprint.
Leaving a Digital Footprint.